Today I'm writing about computer stuff--good and bad.
First the good. Do you like the newish look to my blog? Susie at Bluebird Blogs is wonderful. She took my own design for the blog header and kicked it up a notch, straightened out the placement, and basically "cleaned up" the entire site. All this in a package she calls "maid service." And all at a reasonable price. Check out her website for more info. The woman is definately gifted in blog design.
The bad is that some not-so-nice people left some unwanted entries on my guestbook at the website. I'm not posting the link to my website here because I want the entries gone before people go in there again. What's really sad is someone advised me to just take the guestbook down because people aren't signing them anyway. Why? They don't want to be spammed.
I guess that's the way of the world these days. Just this morning I woke up to the news that hackers tried to get into one of the major servers that is used to traffic Internet stuff around the world. It doesn't seem to matter if you're a little peon with a little old website about your family,
pets, or whatever or a large corporation involved in maintaining communication around the world. If the hackers can get in, they will.
So now I have to figure out how to get the guestbook off my website. On my first go at it, it didn't work. I left it for today when my brain was operating at full speed. Morning works best for me, so guess what I'm going to do soon!
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