Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Ice Man Cometh

Well, maybe not the Ice Man, but ice (and lots of it) sure has been with us a lot for the past several days. Saturday night we had an ice storm, then Sunday evening another system went through. It skipped Monday, and today I woke up to trees that looked much like this photo. Schools have been closed and people were cautioned to stay off the roads, if possible.

For once I'm glad to stay in and I've been busy working on my read-through along with other things that need doing before Christmas.

What happened with my friend, Kristy's, radiation yesterday? Nothing. They got to the center at the appointed time and were told the machine just broke. It had been working fine right up until her appointment. Her husband, Milton, started laughing because so many of us were praying right at that moment. Of course, God, does have a sense of humor and we all believe the machine broke because it wasn't yet time for Kristy to have that radiation treatment. We may not know why just yet, but I trust that she was able to get the treatment today. We are believing God for a miracle, no matter what day of the week He decides.

There are so many other things going on that need prayer, some I am not at liberty to discuss. Some I can, like what kind of senseless stuff is going on with all these shootings? First the mall in Nebraska, and then Sunday with the two shootings at a Youth With a Mission training center and a large church, both in Colorado and both caused by the same person--a disgruntled young man with a vendetta against Christianity. Since when is shooting and killing the way to settle such anger? It's all part of the downward spiral this world is on. I praise God that He has given me a chance to know Him and to have the assurance that He will prevail in the end. There is more to life than what we see right here and now.

So, I keep on doing what God has called me to do. Put my words to story and sprinkle the prose liberally with salt.

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