Friday, November 09, 2007

Where Have I Been???

Where has this week gone? I totally missed the CFBA blog tour. Have barely checked in here at all, even to see who might have dropped by. So where have I been?


I've had the old alarm set for about 5:15 each morning. Yep. You read that right. By 5:30, coffee in hand, I'm at the computer waking up, and by 6:00 I am into the story, revising, adding words and really sailing along. I'm not always able to stay glued to the keyboard for the entire day, but when I'm not out, that's just about where I am. The good news is that I'm making headway. The goal is to have this missive finished by December 1st.

And, already, the wheels are turning on the plot for the next story. Maybe by New Year's I'll be writing it!

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