In Revelation 3:8 Jesus tells the church at Philadelphia (not the one in PA, but the biblical one), "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut."
As I draw closer to both the Colorado Christian Writers Conference and completing the tweaks on my manuscript and proposal for sending off to the editor, I find myself leaning on these words and the promise Jesus makes. It would seem God has opened the door wide for me to attend the writing conference this coming month. The initial nudge to consider it, then locating an astounding airfare, followed by getting a roommate. Then just last week I received an email that I've been accepted into the Nangie Clinic, a class of only nine students taught by Angela Hunt and Nancy Rue! This clinic is intensive and takes the place of workshops. Hands-on, I need to bring my laptop and a current WIP. I'll be taking the book of my heart that won't let itself be buried for good. It's gone by many titles, the latest being Shiloh Legacy. I've had no time to work on the new ideas I have for the story because of tweaking my mystery romance, but I trust that in this class I'll learn how to incorporate my new plot ideas and make this thing salable. God willing.
That's the key. God willing. He holds the door open that no one can shut in His due time. The same passage in Revelation says that what He opens no one can shut. When it is His due time for me to publish my stories, it will happen. This I must also cling to when I send off the tweaked manuscript. I told my crit partner the other day that when I mail the manuscript I'll probably be ready to throw up knowing it's out of my hands and on its way. No more chances to redo anything. Gone. She immediately wrote back that I can't forget who is in control.
She's right. What doors God opens no one can shut. Not even an editor :-)