You know that old adage "time flies." Well it certainly can be applied here. It's been a long time since I've posted here, but God has been using the time well in my life.
In the past several weeks I've completed the rough draft of Murder for Breakfast, spent time helping out the director of the Write to Publish conference in exchange for comped registration fees (a real gift from God), and last week, I attended the conference.
Today I came to an epiphany of sorts. When I was asked to take early retirement last fall, I really had no choice but to do it. It felt as though I had lost control of my life, but in real essence I hadn't because when I came to Christ many years ago I gave over control of my life to God. He was, and is, still in control. Today I spent my devotions in a study guide by Beth Moore called "A Woman's Heart."
You can read in Genesis about God's calling Abraham (then called Abram) out of Ur for Canaan to a place he'd never been. Abram obeyed and God fulfilled His covenant with Abram, by blessing him with many descendants--God's own people. Beth says in her lesson that God often requires us to leave our comfort zones in order to answer our calling. That he rarely hones us within the parameters of the familiar. That hit me like a two by four. Never before have I had the huge block of time I do now for writing and honing my writing ministry. There's a song whose lyrics include the words "for such a time as this." I have been created for such a time as this...time to write for Him, time to hone my craft by attending conferences and reading about writing, time to tithe through the giving of my time, etc. I never would have thought I could retire at this time of my life, but I'm learning I was wrong. It's a different kind of life to be sure, but one in which I can use the time to His glory. When the time comes, God will allow my work to be published, but only in His time and not mine.
I close with a verse. Colossians 4:17 says, "Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord that you may fulfill it." This is my new scripture for my writing. May God use it to His glory!
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