Thursday, June 28, 2007
Less Than 100 to Go!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Fiction Wednesday!
This week the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is promoting
Jerome Teel
Jerome Teel is a graduate of Union University, where he received his JD, cum laude,
from the Ole Miss School of Law. He is actively involved in his church, local charities, and youth sports.He has always loved legal-suspense novels and is a political junkie. He is also the author of The Election, another political thriller that we reviewed November of '06.Jerome and his wife, Jennifer, have three children...Brittney, Trey, and Matthew...and they reside in Tennessee where he practices law and is at work on a new novel.
"They aren't hiding just one something, but a bunch of somethings..."Small town southern lawyer, Elijah Faulkner is a dying breed...an attorney that actually takes pleasure in fighting injustice by working hard for the little guy. But when he takes on a case to defend a philandering doctor with a pregnant wife in a seemingly open-and-shut murder trial, Eli is not so sure he is on the 'right' side.Back in Washington D.C., supreme Court Justice Martha Robinson has died, presenting an unprecedented opportunity for conservative President Richard Wallace to impact the direction of the highest court in the land. He believes God put him in the presidency for just such a time as this...to make a Divine Appointment. Not everyone is thrilled with the president's nominee, however. And some will stop at nothing, including murder, to prevent his confirmation by the Senate.A lobbyist with a vendetta, a small-time Mafioso, an investigative reporter with a Watergate complex, and a powerful Washington political machine combine to create a fast-paced suspense novel that explores the anatomy of a murder, and the ripple effect that it creates across the country.
"Jerome Teel has crafted an intriguing political thriller...nice twists and turns to keep you reading. he paints vivid mental pictures that bring characters and locales to life."--Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee's 7th District
Buy it at Amazon!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Marathon Writing

Marathoners talk of the proverbial wall that they hit during the last part of the race. Let's hope I plow through that wall and finish well. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Isn't This the Cutest Baby???

Friday, June 22, 2007
Manuscript Interrupted or Sushi Anyone?
Wednesday night I visited my Japanese friend, Yoshie, and her family. I'm helping Yoshie learn English through a tutoring program. Her mom and several friends are in the States for a visit and they all want to speak as much English as they can while they're here. Thankfully, she had a couple other Americans there so I wasn't the only non-Japanese speaker. I'm always impressed at how so many people in other countries know English at least enough to get by.
That evening I had my first encounter with sushi. I'll try most anything once so I gave it a shot and now know it's an acquired taste. I tried two different kinds then decided I preferred something else. LOL I always thought sushi came in little circles sliced from something like a jelly roll. Boy was I wrong! I had to build my own on a little square wrapper. I shied away from the wasabi sauce which may just be the ingredient that makes everyone like sushi. But all I kept hearing was hot, hot, hot. Best thing on the serving table??? Grilled steak and ribs. :-)
As for the manuscript rework, I'm making progress! I'm up to about Chapter 12, but just got some great editing back from my crit partner and I'm incorporating her ideas into the chapters her notes cover. I'll finish those up today and send her another three or four chapters. Will I make my goal of July 1st? The jury is still out.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I haven’t missed a single ACFW conference since the organization’s first one in Kansas City back in 2002. ACFW was pretty small by comparison back then, but already we’d built a strong

For the second year we will be at the Dallas/Addison Marriott and when we say comfort, we

To learn more about the ACFW conference go to the conference website and check it out. You can register there too. The sooner you do, the better chance you have of getting a room at the special block rate. If you’re not a member of ACFW you can join at the same time you register for the conference and enjoy a reduced conference fee.
Joining ACFW was one of the best things I ever did and attending the national conference was the second best thing.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day to My Dad

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Winners of Return to Me and Diva NashVegas are...
I've sent messages to the winners and as soon as they provide me with mailing instructions I'll get the books out to them.
Congrats to both of you.
I'll be holding another contest soon so keep checking back. Right now I'm off to my revisions. I made it as far as Chapter 19, page 128 of 245 (the total pages may change from day to day as I add and take away things). My goal is to make it to the last page before day's end.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Deadlines - Real or Otherwise
I just got a critique back from a crit partner with dozens of wonderful suggestions and it took an entire morning to incorporate most of what she suggested into only three chapters! I don't know if I can make that July 1st deadline or not, but I'm sure going to try. My kitchen is a mess, half redecorated and half not. The rest of my condo is buried in a coat of dust, and my TBR (to be read) pile of novels I want to read is not going down. Later, I tell myself as I comb through the story, changing the I's and me's to she's and her's.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Diva NashVegas!!! Win a Copy.


"Hauck once again takes us into the country music world, this time through the experiences of mega-star Aubrey James. Aubrey's life journey is filled with flaws, as well as a great deal of joy, and real life locales makes this highly original story authentic. The extra tidbits - from Aubrey's liner notes to quotes from the "media" at the beginning of the chapters - add extra sparkle to the plot."- 4 Stars, Melissa Parcel, Romantic Times Book Club
You can buy the book at Amazon or....
you can leave a comment on this post and have your name put in the hat for a free copy of Diva NashVegas. The drawing will be done on Saturday, June 16.
Note: If you left a comment for Return to Me on my previous post, you will not automatically have your name in this drawing. Please leave a comment on this post for Rachel Hauck's book.
Monday, June 11, 2007
My Phone Saga Part 2
After spending forty-three minutes on the cell phone with a technician located in India whom I couldn't understand, the line is back in service with the former company, not the new. Just another day in the wonderful world of technology.
Are You Attached to Your Phone Number???
Two Contests This Week!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007
Better Late Than Never - CFBA's Book of the Week Is These Boots Weren't Made for Walking

Willing to make the necessary sacrifices–even skipping the occasional latte–to ensure career success, 31-year-old Cassidy Cantrell "invests" in a chic pair of boots, certain they’ll make a spectacular impression and help seal the deal on a long-anticipated promotion from her Seattle employer.But reality tromps all over her expectations. Cassie’s job is abruptly eliminated–and her love life obliterated, when her longtime boyfriend dumps her for a "friend." Her self-esteem in tatters, Cassie limps home to the resort town she once so eagerly fled–only to find her recently divorced mother transformed into a gorgeous fifty-something babe with a thriving social life.

Buy it at Amazon!
The Winner of The Oak Leaves is.....
Kathleen, I'll send off your copy of the book as soon as you let me know where you want it sent.
Thanks everyone for signing up for my drawing. Watch this space next week for a review of Robin Lee Hatcher's latest release Return to Me and a chance to win a copy. It's a wonderful story of a modern day prodigal.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Exercising My Learning
Monday, June 04, 2007
Elvis is on the Web
The Oak Leaves -- A Must Read From Maureen Lang

I guarantee you will love this book!