The 2006 ACFW conference is over. I went there to work because I'm on the board. I also went there to see friends and meet editors and agents. But, I got so much more than that! I met with God and that just about tops any to-do list!
I learned just before leaving for Dallas that my appointment with an agent was in jeopardy because the agent had to cancel due to a health issue. It was too late to reschedule as all the other agents' slots were taken. Because I've been without an agent since last winter, connecting with agents was my top priority. So there I was with no agent appointment and most of the agents there had little time to squeeze another appointment in. Discouragement is not a nice feeling, but that's what I felt.
It wasn't until Saturday morning when, with my mind in a fog, I skipped a continuing class and went to the prayer room. There, I opened my Bible and had the first "real" quiet time I'd had in several days. I spent my time once again at the feeding trough feeding on God's faithfulness (Psalm 37). I was reminded of how in so many ways already He'd been faithful to me. Immediately, I sensed without a doubt I was to let go of the agent thing and concentrate on getting my ducks in a row first. So I gave it over to God and was at peace. After all, I'd already had a request for the full manuscript for Murder for Breakfast, a request for a proposal for that story from two other editors, and a request for a proposal from two editors for Shiloh Legacy. Is that God's faithfulness or what????

More about the conference. Our keynoter was Liz Curtis Higgs. What a delightful lady. A great sense of humor with a deep spiritual message interwoven with the laughs. She was such a blessing. Here I am with Liz at the book signing event.
Saturday night we had our award banquet. In addition to Book of the Year and the Genesis Writing Contest awards, we had the Mentor of the Year for 2006 named. I had the honor of making that presentation. I'll never forget the look on Lena Nelson Dooley's face when I said her name. It was so priceless.
In addition, Texas is a great big state with a great big heart so I've learned. The one morning I had a few minutes to escape to do a little shopping I had a little God thing happen that let me know He's full of surprises. That will be another story on another day
I sure did meet God in Texas. But then as Psalm 139 says, we're never away from His presence. Meeting Him in Texas shouldn't have come as a surprise. He was with me all along!
I learned just before leaving for Dallas that my appointment with an agent was in jeopardy because the agent had to cancel due to a health issue. It was too late to reschedule as all the other agents' slots were taken. Because I've been without an agent since last winter, connecting with agents was my top priority. So there I was with no agent appointment and most of the agents there had little time to squeeze another appointment in. Discouragement is not a nice feeling, but that's what I felt.
It wasn't until Saturday morning when, with my mind in a fog, I skipped a continuing class and went to the prayer room. There, I opened my Bible and had the first "real" quiet time I'd had in several days. I spent my time once again at the feeding trough feeding on God's faithfulness (Psalm 37). I was reminded of how in so many ways already He'd been faithful to me. Immediately, I sensed without a doubt I was to let go of the agent thing and concentrate on getting my ducks in a row first. So I gave it over to God and was at peace. After all, I'd already had a request for the full manuscript for Murder for Breakfast, a request for a proposal for that story from two other editors, and a request for a proposal from two editors for Shiloh Legacy. Is that God's faithfulness or what????

More about the conference. Our keynoter was Liz Curtis Higgs. What a delightful lady. A great sense of humor with a deep spiritual message interwoven with the laughs. She was such a blessing. Here I am with Liz at the book signing event.
Saturday night we had our award banquet. In addition to Book of the Year and the Genesis Writing Contest awards, we had the Mentor of the Year for 2006 named. I had the honor of making that presentation. I'll never forget the look on Lena Nelson Dooley's face when I said her name. It was so priceless.
In addition, Texas is a great big state with a great big heart so I've learned. The one morning I had a few minutes to escape to do a little shopping I had a little God thing happen that let me know He's full of surprises. That will be another story on another day
I sure did meet God in Texas. But then as Psalm 139 says, we're never away from His presence. Meeting Him in Texas shouldn't have come as a surprise. He was with me all along!