Saturday, December 27, 2008

It Was the Most Wonderful Day of the Year!

I thought I should bring an update as to how my Christmas alone with God turned out.

The day dawned very cold, but sunny, however, I was awake and drinking coffee before dawn. Without delay, I dove right into my time with the Lord. Since I had already listed the different areas of my life that I wanted to pray about and for, I divided the time up by those areas, beginning with relationships. I used a devotional type book a friend Julie Ieron wrote called Praying Like Jesus and read a variety of her writings that seemed to pertain to the topic which would lead into specific thoughts and prayers which I journaled back to God. It was awesome! In between the segments of prayer I would take a few minutes break and then come back.

The day flew by, and when I got to health, I decided to take a walk. What better way to pray about health then to get exercising. I got outside and quickly realized that the sun may be out but it was still very cold . . . and icy! So I sat in my car and warmed it up while I prayed there.

When I got the middle of the afternoon, I fought through sleepyness and and reviewed what I had prayed about. Since I journal most of my prayers, it was easy to remember what I'd taken to the Lord that day. I finished about an hour before I was to leave for my friend's house and it was enough time to transition back to Christmas celebration mode. When I arrived at my friend's house, I was ready for some company. We had a great time over a wonderful meal and some fun games that had me laughing harder than I had in a long while.

All in all, the day was perfect. After all, God planned it! :-)

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