Picture this. My friend dropped me off at O'Hare and drove off. I went to the curbside check-in and realized after my large suitcase was processed, that all I had to carry on the plane was my purse. Where was my bag with my meds, my makeup, my proposals and one-sheets? (This was before there was a restriction on liquids, etc.). I'd left my carry-on bag on the floor of the front passenger seat, and it was now on the way back to my friend's house. She had no cell phone to call, and I was stuck.
Upon arrival at the hotel in Houston, I arranged with the desk for the shuttle to take me to a nearby Walgreen's where I could get my prescriptions and buy some makeup so I wouldn't scare the attendees half to death LOL. Two other authors ended up riding with me, and the shuttle took us to a small shopping center in a suburb adjacent to the airport. The name of the burb? Humble, Texas.
I didn't realize there was anything more to Humble than the strip mall we went to, but I've learned there is thanks to Anita Higman's contribution to Summerside Press's Love Finds You line. Summerside has a fun concept of locating uniquely named towns and asking authors to use them as settings for their contemporary romance stories. If you haven't yet picked up one of these books, don't delay. Not only are they fun, but it's a great opporutnity to learn something about a town you might never have known.

Other books by Anita are Another Hour To Kill and Another Stab At Life

Trudie Abernathy is a little inelegant, and she's never had much luck in love. To make matters worse, her thirtieth birthday is fast approaching and her sister, Lane, has decided to treat her to a makeover and a few blind dates. Trudie is about to protest, but then she meets the kind and handsome Mason Williamson. In spite of her humble manner, Mason finds her attractive, funny and smart. But Lane inexplicably pushes Trudie away from Mason and toward the other willing suitors. The makeover has transformed Trudie from ordinary into stunning, but she isnt sure how she feels about all the attention from men. Can Trudie stay true to her humble self and find her hearts desire in the process?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Love Finds You In Humble Texas, go HERE
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