As I sit here before dawn on Thanksgiving Day 2008, I can honestly say that in spite of the state of our economy and the uncertainty of when or how this will all turn around, I am truly blessed and thankful.
Yes, I still have a roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes. I have my friends, my extended family, the gift of writing, and good health. But most of all I have God. He is my Healer (Ps. 103:3), Redeemer (Is. 59:20), Advocate (1 John 2: 1), Bread of Life (John 6: 35), Strong Tower (Prov. 18: 10), Refuge from the Storm (Is. 25:4) , Provider (Gen. 22:14), Everlasting Light (Is. 60:20, Strength (Ps. 43:2), and Husband (Is 54:5).
He is all those things and more to me and the Bible tells me He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. No matter what tomorrow holds He cannot be taken from me and for that I am in awe and so very thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. The list of names that I attributed to God is taken from "The Power of a Praying Woman" by Stormie Omartian. She lists many more. It's found in Chapter one of her book.